Admissions, ages and numbers

Clever Cloggs is registered with Ofsted for 40 children under the age of 8 years

The above is an overriding factor when taking into account admissions.

When we receive enquiries to join Clever Cloggs, we will try our best to accommodate, however in some cases a waiting list is in operation and places could be limited. When a place becomes available preference is given to those who have been on the waiting list the longest.

The setting is flexible in it’s approach to booked hours, due to the high number of professionals that use the setting, who work with rota systems. However booked days will be invoiced for. Payment is still due if your child is off for illness, long term illness will be reduced at the discretion of the management.

Opening Times

Monday to Friday 09.00- 15.00

Prices (as 1st Jan 2011)

2 years £3.80 per hr
3 years+ £3.00 per hr

Term time

The setting is open 38 weeks of the year (Term time only) Clever Cloggs works with Oscar’s breakfast and after schools club to provide additional term time care for the children from 08.00- 17.30. Scallywags holiday club is run in the local area during the school holidays.